background image by Rob Kesseler
Zaden van hoop
Zaden van verandering
Bloemen voor bijen
Plant ons!
We accuse Monsanto and Bayer, capitalism and greed of colonizing traditional agriculture and causing disease, famine, death, ecological and social injustice, of dispossessing us of our power of survival.
Giving seeds, spreading them as sharing another possibility of a future.
We need food self-sufficiency, bees and worms, butterflies and birds, hitchhocks and howls.
We need farmers. We need women.
We need plants that can regenerate themselves, we need climate resilience.
We need to reshape our values
and we need to talk about it.
Grains de beauté
Graines d'espoir
Fleurs pour abeilles

Seeds of hope
Seeds of change
Flowers for bees
Plant them!